
Timberlake Media Services is made up of a team of experienced industry professionals who specialize in serving clients’ needs with customized media management solutions. Meet the people who make our media leadership team special:

Photo of CarolCarol Timberlake, President & CEO
"Media should never be an afterthought, but a key part of the integrated communications plan."

Photo of DaleDale Timberlake, Executive Vice President & Digital Practice Director
"ALWAYS make the client's ROI our own measure of success."

Photo of KelliKelli Bishop, Vice President & Media Director Healthcare
"Always give the client what they've asked for, but also tell them what they need to know."

Photo of KathleenKathleen Lee, Accounting Manager
"Great accounting is all about protecting our clients' investments."

Contact us for more information on our media leadership team. We provide media management services for clients worldwide.